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Una nuova avventura

La dolce vita

Dare i numeri!

Movie Set Travel Agency

Comunicare, viaggiare e mangiare!

Fare bella figura

Pronti a partire?

Spaghetti, calamari e… pastella!

Tra il dire e il fare c'è di mezzo il mare


Marmo di Carrara

Volere è potere!

Buon viaggio, Connor!

Santa Maria in Trastevere

Polignano a Mare

Pozzi e fagioli

Saggezza popolare

Un aperitivo con gli amici


L'oasi dei fenicotteri

Tango italiano

In bocca al lupo, Connor!

Act #5: Comunicare, viaggiare e mangiare!

I. Italian Verbs in the First Conjugation

Italian verbs are divided into three different conjugations depending on their infinitive endings. Today we are going to look at regular verbs in the first conjugation.

First-conjugation verbs end in -are. For example, amare, which means to love.

To form the present indicative (indicativo presente), you drop the infinitive ending -are and add the appropriate ending to the stem. Take a look at the following table to see the verb amare conjugated. The stem of amare is am-. In the table, the conjugated endings are in bold.

io amonoi amiamo
tu amivoi amate
lui/lei/Lei amaloro amano

In the following examples, you can see other verbs conjugated. The verb's infinitive form is given first, followed by an example sentence.


Il treno non arriva mai in orario.
The train never arrives on time.


D’estate nuoto spesso.
In the summer, I often swim.


Dove lavori?
Where do you work?


Insegnano francese ai bambini della scuola elementare.
They teach French to primary school children.

These verbs are all conjugated in the present indicative, as we mentioned above. This corresponds to three forms in English:
nuotoI swim
I am swimming
I do swim

This form is also used to express an action in the future that is considered certain.

Arrivano tra due ore.
They will arrive in two hours.

Studio in Italia quest’estate.
I’ll be studying in Italy this summer.

II. Definite Articles

The definite article (articolo determinativo) varies according to the gender, number, and the first letter of the word it precedes. In English, the equivalent is always the. Take a look at the following table.

masculine singular

feminine singular

masculine plural

feminine plural

before a consonant


before s + consonant, z, and ps


before a vowel


il dottore → the doctori dottori → the doctors
la casa → the housele case → the houses
lo studente → the studentgli studenti → the students
lo zoccolo → the cloggli zoccoli → the clogs
lo psichiatra → the psychiatristgli psichiatri → the psychiatrists
la stagione → the seasonle stagioni → the seasons
l’animale → the animalgli animali → the animals
l’edicola → the newsstandle edicole → the newsstands

III. The Italian Alphabet

The Italian alphabet consists of twenty-one letters: five vowels and sixteen consonants. In most cases, Italian is a phonetic language based on its own system of pronunciation rules. Following is the Italian alphabet, including the appropriate pronunciation for each letter. As in English, the letters may make different sounds depending on their context.



Italian Examples

aahpadre, mamma, angelo
bbeebuono, bello
cci (pronounced like the ch in the English chop)cane,cipolla
ddeedimenticare, dimora
eehlento, bene
feffefame, fuori
ggee (pronounced like the g in the English gentleman)gatto,gelato
haccaho, hai, ha
lellelatte, luna
nennenonno, naso
ppeepadre, piede
qcuquattro, quindi
rerreRoma, rivale
sessescala, sbaglio
tteetacchino, tacco
uuuuomo, buco
vvuvino, Volterra
zzetazio, ozio

The five additional letters of the alphabet appear in many foreign words, which are widely used in Italian. Following is a table showing their Italian pronunciation and some examples.


Italian Pronunciation


jee lungajolly, jazz
wdoppia vu; vu doppioWalter, sandwich
xikstaxi, box
yipsilon; ee grecosexy, yoga