I look forward to listening to your intermediate and advanced programmes. It seems to take a little less time each week so I must be making some progress! Not only are the programmes educational they also reflect excellent journalism. It is stimulating to read about Italian news but also about international issues from an Italian perspective. Finally, I appreciate learning about topics from science and the arts that I had not come across before.
Thank you all very much indeed.
Damian P. Somerset, UK -
What an excellent way to teach Italian! Whoever thought of this is a genius. I look forward every week to a new broadcast. They are interesting and certainly do fulfill the goal of teaching Italian. My comprehension and vocabulary have increased in leaps and bounds. And it’s so much fun!
But the programs offer me so much more than language learning. First, many of the news stories have not appeared in the newspapers or on the TV news in Washington, DC, where I live, so they are helping me to become better informed. Second, the discussions between Benedetta and Emanuele are enlightening and thought-provoking. I discuss them with my husband and son, who also enjoy them.
Thank you so much for this wonderful program.
Janet D. Washington, DC -
I am a huge fan, and cannot count the number of people I tell about your great services, both in Italian and Spanish Latino: great content; mature discussion with clever selection of topics and words; excellent design of all materials; and lovely voices that are perfect for the job.
Laurence W. West Midlands, UK -
Your website and broadcasts are actually fantastic. I have been doing a conventional Italian language course each day for 30 minutes using a CD and text book. Usually the 30 minutes goes very slowly, and is hard work.
I began today on your course, spending time on the news bulletin, the discussion after the news, and the grammar lesson. The time flew. I loved every minute of it, and kept going for an hour. I love the discussion of current events, the useful vocabulary and especially the section on expressions.
Thanks you again, and please keep the series going.
John M.
Melbourne, Australia -
Thank you so much for News In Slow Italian. I have been studying Italian off and on for over 20 years, primarily by reading, and this is exactly what I need to get me past the barrier of not being able to understand spoken Italian. I've looked at a variety of resources on the web, and this is the best I've found so far for developing the ability to "hear" Italian.
Molte Grazie
Marco S.
Indiana, USA -
Recently I have been studying Italian. Every fall I go to Italy and France. My wife studies the French language and I have just started to learn Italian online.
Part of my study has included listening to Italian radio stations with local news, music, and sports to train my ears to hear the Italian language. I am very excited to start using your “makes since” language site.
Thank you,
Don A.
Colorado, USA -
I'm writing to tell you how much I am enjoying News in Slow Italian. My walk to work takes 30 minutes, just enough time to listen to one full episode. I'm a family doctor with a number of Italian-speaking patients and can manage fairly well with my medical Italian. But with a trip to Italy booked for April, I wanted to expand what I understand. Your series, so well done, is perfect.
Dr. Peter T.
Ontario, Canada -
Excellent! I hope you stay in business for a long time! Very high quality content, downloadable audio presentations, and downloadable written material. Many other great website resources, as well. The ‘speech speed control’ feature is very helpful to assist with natural, native listening comprehension. There is so very little viable, intermediate Italian instruction on-line, especially with a lot of very useful English translations, hence, I feel so fortunate to have discovered you. Grazie mille e Tante belle cose!
Paul B.
Laguna Niguel, California, USA -
For somebody who can set to and teach himself much of the language, but cannot then understand the spoken word, your programme is outstanding. It is also much better than the recordings that come with text books since the topics are interesting and varied.
Well done to those who do the recordings and who enunciate so clearly.
Graham C.
Norfolk, United Kingdom -
I've been listening to News in Slow Italian for a few months now. I just returned from my latest trip to Italy and my comprehension was SO much better than the last time! I had far fewer “deer in the headlights” moments that are so embarrassing – when you ask a perfectly understandable question in Italian and get a perfectly incomprehensible response. Listening to your dialogs really helps train your ear to hear words, and not just a jumble of sounds. I hope that all Italian language teachers are encouraging their students to use this valuable resource. I'm learning at home and have been wanting something like this for a long time. Grazie mille!
Gayle L. Michigan, USA -
I have been using your website for a couple of weeks and it is absolutely brilliant! I'm learning Italian at home on my own and this is the perfect way for me to practice my listening skills. It's great to have short sections to listen to - it makes it easier to find the time. Having the transcript below and some translations is really, really helpful. And I'm looking forward to when I can select the 'hare' speed rather than the 'tortoise'.
I hope that lots of people get to know about your website and use it. I've been telling as many people as I can about it. Thank you for all your work putting it together.
Alison T. -
Ho scoperto News in Slow Italian la settimana scorsa, e mi piace molto. Inoltre, devo dire che il programma sembra adattarsi perfettamente alle mie necessità attuali.
Sto infatti per tornare in Italia, dopo 37 anni. Ho trascorso un anno in Italia da giovane, e ricordo l'italiano ancora piuttosto bene; abbastanza per scrivere e capire un testo scritto. Il che è perfetto per Facebook, ma mi rendo conto ora che, senza la comprensione dell'italiano parlato, la mia visita, che attendo con ansia (una frase che ho imparato oggi, ascoltando il podcast N°5), non sarà facile.
Il vostro programma mi aiuta ad allenare l'orecchio nuovamente. Ai tempi del mio primo soggiorno in Italia, ero arrivato con una conoscenza minima della lingua e mi ci vollero ben quattro mesi prima di poter distinguere le parole, che prima per me erano solo una barriera confusa di rumore. Ma ormai ho imparato la lezione, e ascoltando il vostro programma una volta alla settimana posso riacquistare una solida capacità di comprensione orale prima di settembre.
Continuate così - sono un vostro fan entusiasta!
Jim H.
Fair Oaks, California -
I began with the first 6 acts in Beginner Italian for free and now I'm hooked. It's wonderful and I have already learned so much! I listen to each podcast about 10 times, until I understand all of the conversational phrases and have absorbed everything.
Thank you for such a great program!
Marilyn A. NJ, USA -
Thanks for your excellent service. I appreciate the functionality of NISI very much, also the app works great and is kept quite slick and intuitive, which I always prefer regarding apps.
The voices are pleasant to hear and I like the way you choose the variety in news topics! The short discussion parts bring some other language in, more "daily speak" which I also need as a starter.
Keep up the good work - I'm really learning Italian this way!
Kind regards,Paul G. The Netherlands -
Your "News in Slow... " programs are outstanding. I subscribe to the French version periodically. The content and presentation of your broadcasts are first-rate: the material is informative and engaging as well as entertaining. It replicates the way we all learn language. Your approach has helped me more than the many courses in school and on-line as well as "do - it - yourself" workbooks that I have used. And your programs make learning more inviting and effective than the others. My hat is off to you! Keep up the good work.
Susan V., subscriber -
Love what you guys have done to the new site!!! Major congrats on this launch. I just signed up. I love your content, it's an awesome way to keep up my Italian. My nonna is always impressed that I live in the US and yet my Italian vocab is always growing without officially taking lessons - thanks to News in Slow Italian!
Nina H. California, USA